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CH SimplyBlessed Ice Cube



2020 Mid Pacific Region Second Best Seal Silver Mink Spotted Tabby Bengal of the Year


2019 On Safari Breeder's Choice "Best Snow Cat"


Born March 16, 2018


O'Shea joined SierraNVBengals on August 26, 2018. He is a handsome seal silver mink spotted (tabby). He is a sweet, friendly, and laid back kind of guy. He absolutely loves to be pet and loved on and he cannot stop purring, regardless of the situation. 


Ice Cube came from an "Ice" themed litter, with his father being RW SGC SimplyBlessed Fire N Ice. 

Thank You Beth and Lori Bearry for this amazing boy! 

HCM screened: Normal on 11/18/2024 by Dr. Hayley McDonald

pK-Def tested: N/K 

PRA-b test: N/N

Color Tested:  A/A, E/E, B/B, cb/cs, D/D , I/I

Marble Tested by Christopher Kaelin of Stanford University: Ta^M/Ta^M (Pure for Spotting)


COI: 24.2% via Bengal-Data

RW GRC SierraNV Whiskey On Ice



2024 TICA International Third Best Seal Silver Sepia Spotted Tabby Bengal of the Year


2024 Mid Pacific Region Best Seal Silver Sepia Spotted Tabby Bengal of the Year


2024 Mid Pacific Region Eighth Best Shorthair Cat of the Year


2024 Mid Pacific Region Sixteenth Best Cat of the Year


Born December 16, 2022


Hank is our home bred keeper stud out of BastetExotics Whiskey Lullaby aka Paisley and CH SimplyBlessed Ice Cube aka O'Shea. Hank is a seal silver sepia spotted tabby that carries the long hair gene and has nice big round aqua eyes, small rounded ears that are set nicely on his head, and a nice back skull. He has a nice muzzle, puffy whisker pads, and puffy nose leather like his dad. Hank has a medium thick blunted tail. Hank looks like a carbon copy of his dad when he was young.


Hank has a very outgoing personality and talks.... ALOT. He loves to play, especially with his older sister, Clover.  Hank also enjoys a nice cuddle. I look forward to showing him and seeing what he'll bring to our program.

HCM screened: Normal on 9/15/23 by Dr. Lori Siemens

pK-Def tested: N/K 

PRA-b test: N/N

Color Tested:  A/A, E/E, B/B, cb/cb, D/D, I/i 

Marble Tested by Christopher Kaelin of Stanford University: Ta^M/Ta^M (pure for spotting)



Genetic Diversity: 33%

COI: 25.03% via Bengal-Data

TikkaSky Essential Epitome



Born June 12, 2023


Essen came to us on March 30, 2024. He is an absolutely handsome brown spotted tabby. He is super sweet and friendly. He just purrs and enjoys being pet. He also allows me to give him nose kisses. 


Huge thanks to Laura Powers of TikkaSky for allowing Essen to join our program. I am stoked to see the improvements he'll make.


NOTE** Breeding rights will NOT be available from this boy.

HCM screened: Normal on 5/31/24 by Dr. Lori Siemens

pK-Def tested: N/N 

PRA-b test: N/N

Color Tested:  Apb/A, E/E, B/B, C/cs, D/D, i/i 

Marble Tested by Christopher Kaelin of Stanford University: Ta^M_pb1/Ta^b (carries for Marble)


Genetic Diversity: 34%

COI: 24.32% via Bengal-Data

Karion Django of SierraNV



Born February 18, 2024


Django came to us from Karion Bengals is Arizona. He is an absolutely handsome silver spotted tabby. He is super sweet but a bit shy boy. He is constantly purring and making biscuits. He has a beautiful profile and top skull, as well as a strong chin and spots covering his toes.


Huge thanks to Darryl and Cheryl Chenoweth of Karion Bengals for allowing Django to join our program. 


HCM screened: Not of age yet

pK-Def tested: N/N 

PRA-b test: N/N

Color Tested:  A/A, E/E, B/B, C/C, D/D, I/I

Marble Tested by Christopher Kaelin of Stanford University: Ta^M/Ta^b (carries for Marble)


Genetic Diversity: 32%

COI: 25.31% via Bengal-Data

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All rights are reserved content. DO NOT USE pictures or text without written permission from Monique Peden/SierraNVBengals.

Last update 25 January 2025

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