Interested in learning more about raw feeding or more recipes? My mentor has published a couple of books to get you started.
** I provide a copy of So You Want to Raw Feed Your Cat in my kitten kits
So You Want to Raw Feed Your Cat
by Meghan Waals
Don't want to make your own homemade raw? Viva Raw Pets is a great commercial vendor with many protein varieties to choose from.
Use Referral Code: SierraNV for 20% off
Looking for healthy, nutritious treats to feed your dogs or cats? Raw Vibes offers a variety of freeze dried treats that are perfect for your pet, as well as food consultations, books, and more! Use Referral Code: SierraNV
Love my background of Emerald Bay, Lake Tahoe? Want to see more beautiful pieces available for purchase of the Sierras and other gorgeous locations?
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